Türk Telekom

Türk Telekom | Türk Telekom Investor Relations

Türk Telekom has been presenting the contemporary communication media to its customers with excitement since 1840.

Türk Telekom Group, the leading communication and convergence technology group in Türkiye, provides integrated telecommunication services from PSTN and GSM to broadband internet. As of June 30, 2024, Türk Telekom has 17.4 million fixed access lines, 15.2 million fixed broadband, 26.3 million mobile and 3.1 million TV subscribers. Group companies have a modern network infrastructure covering the whole country and offer a wide variety of services to residential and commercial customers all over Türkiye. Türk Telekom owns 100% of one of the three GSM operators in Türkiye - TT Mobil, broadband provider TTNET, convergence technologies company Argela, IT solutions provider Innova, online education company Sebit A.Ş., call center company AssisTT and wholesale data and capacity service provider company Türk Telekom International and its subsidiaries.

60% of Türk Telekom shares belong to Türkiye Wealth Fund, 25% belongs to Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance. The remaining 15% is publicly traded. Türk Telekom shares are listed in Borsa Istanbul.

Note: Türkiye Wealth Fund has 1.68% share in free float.

Initial Public Offering of Türk Telekom

"Group D" bearer shares with a total nominal value of TL 525 million which belonged to the Turkish Treasury and which correspond to 15% of Türk Telekom's paid-in capital were publicly offered following the authorization of the sale by the Capital Markets Board. Once the public offering had been completed, the shares have been listed on the national market of Borsa İstanbul as of May 15, 2008.

The 2008 public offering of 15% shares of Türk Telekom was the seventh biggest public offering in the world and the biggest ever in Türkiye. As a result of this offering, the Turkish Treasury secured a total of USD 1.9 billion (TL 2.4 billion) in revenue. The floor and cap prices set for the public offering were TL 3.90 and TL 4.70 respectively. The final issue price was TL 4.60, which corresponded to a company valuation of USD 15.5 billion and a share valuation of USD 12.7 billion. During the bookbuilding period (April 28-29-30, 2008), potential investors in Türkiye submitted bids for 1.1 billion shares worth a total of TL 5.3 billion. All of the bids submitted by PTT employees, Türk Telekom employees, and small investors were satisfied with shares. In the case of institutional investors and individual major investors, the satisfaction rates were 95% and 6% respectively. A total of 95,000 bids were received from domestic resident investors during the public offering and final sales were made to 94,000 of them. The Türk Telekom public offering represents one of the biggest offerings ever undertaken in Türkiye in terms of the domestic allocation and sales.